X-Ray Dog Music  

Posted by Radielle in

As I was stumbling through YouTube I found several fan-made videos with very, very nice music in the background. With a bit of research, I discovered the creators of the music were X-Ray Dog Music. They help release my creativity from its prison.
As you know, I have been experiencing a very long bout of writer's block. For the life of me, I seemed incapable on putting fingers to keyboard or pen to paper. I couldn't even edit my Nano-quarter-of-a-novel without realising half way through how much of a mess I was making of the story...

Luckily, the muses put X-Ray Dog Music in my path. They are a very talented group of musical artists and work with Hollywood to produce music for movies and movie trailers, amongst other things. Chances are, if you've watched TV or gone to see a movie over the last few years, you've heard some of their music. Because they only operate on a licensing basis, it's not possible to buy their music. More is the pity. But many YouTube users are using their compositions as a soundtrack for their videos. Just look them up.

Having listened non stop to their compositions for the past six to eight weeks, along with music from Hans Zimmer and John Williams, I am pleased to announced that my writer's block has been beaten for now!

This entry was posted on 17 Mar 2011 at 20:05 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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