
Posted by Radielle in , ,

I have recently discovered this wonderful site. This is why I haven't been writing here, if you were wondering...

Done and Done!!!  

Posted by Radielle in

You know what, I've done it. I've actually written my 50,000 words.

Now I can display this proudly!

Now, I just need to do this four more times to actually finish writing my novel!

NaNoWriMo Word Count  

Posted by Radielle in

You know what, I've decided to take part in this competition this year as an incentitive to help with one of my novels.

I registered on the 1st of November and things started well, but then my computer died on me. I'm now quite a few words behind. Anyone willing to chear me on?

Hello World!  

Posted by Radielle in

After all this is the traditional way to start something to do with computer, isn't it?

The name's Mindspark. I've decided to start blogging because everyone else is having their say, so why shouldn't I?

Please note that I'm not looking to antagonise anyone, I just want to have a place to rant and rave if I feel like it and somewhere to jot down my ideas. You're welcome to try and change my minds on particular subjects, but shouting doesn't work with me...